The Confessions of St. Augustine for the new millenium. A Christian's struggles with bi-sexuality, loneliness and other demons from his past.
The Easy Lifestyle Transition
Published on June 3, 2004 By thorninmyflesh In Misc
The urge to sleep with men isn't just a mere preference of which gender to screw. The issue is not just confined to sexuality but somehow encompass an entire lifestyle.

In other words, I do not exist in isolation. By proclaiming I like men as well as women, I am interpellated into a whole community encompassing very specific discourses, history and semiotics. Queer Eye for a Straight Guy may have thrust a subculture into the forefront of media cool, but I do believe a lot of the exaggerated consumerist stereotypes have some basis in reality despite the blatant product placements.

It is this reality I have already been living in. I love wearing pastels. I spent shitloads of money on aromatherapy products. The Holy Trinity of Toner, Cleanser and Moisterizer (yes, in that order) is not foreign to me. In fact, my queer friend tapped me on the shoulder once and told me that I was REALLY close in turning gay. Once, I cross over the hill and start playing ass, then my transition is complete, because everything else is in order.

For now, my friends and family label me as 'metrosexual'. I detest that term because of its commercial implications. On the other hand, due to my Christian principles I refuse to fully embrace my bi-sexuality.

As it stands, I am a metrosexual, with 'options'.

on Jun 04, 2004
I'm a recent immigrant to the USA from the UK - and I have no idea what a 'metrosexual' is (to be honest it sounds vaguely like someone who fucks on trains, but that's probably not what it means...)

What exactly are these 'options'? And if being bisexual (for want of any better term) is such a problem, why not ditch the problem? No, not your bisexuality. Your bisexuality is not the problem. The problem is your attitude to bisexuality, which clearly relates to the problem you have with God. Note, I did not say that God has a problem with you. Personally, I don't think God gives a nanosecond's worth of attention to who you fuck, how you fuck 'em, or where you fuck 'em. And I can say this because God formed you with the nature that you have. Your parents didn't make you a bisexual. Your traumas, trials, tribulations, triumphs and disasters didn't make you a bisexual. You are and were a bisexual from the moment of your conception in the mind of God, your every thought, expression, act, opinion, desire and inclination being already recorded in the book of eternity from the moment that God made real his creativity in forming the universe, and you as a part of that universe. Read Psalm 139: 1-16.

God, having given a thing its form, expects that thing to live according to the form he gave it. And since the expectation of God is absolute necessity in relation to the created universe it's as pointless to wish that you were not a bisexual as it is for a mountain to wish to become an aardvark. It's not unly useless but blasphemous into the bargain. Who are you to criticise God for giving you the form you have? If you must suffer guilt for something, feel guilty over that. The cause is at least proper to the effect. However, if you wish to worship instead, offer worship for being the kind of being you are, knowing God in the way that you do. Starting from where you are is always better than wishing you were somewhere else and not starting at all because of it.