The Confessions of St. Augustine for the new millenium. A Christian's struggles with bi-sexuality, loneliness and other demons from his past.
This Christian's View on Sexuality
Published on June 4, 2004 By thorninmyflesh In Religion
God's Word is His sperm.

Sex is a physical reflection of the divine intimacy that is experienced between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Sex originated from God and was a way which He used to communicate to us the kind of intimacy he desires with humaity. Far from being impure, sex is entirely holy and, unlike other expressions of love, does not simply remain in one realm (e.g., the physical, emotional or spiritual realm) but spills out into all aspects of the human being. Much as physical intimacy is seen as as the greatest expression of intimacy between two people, spiritual intimacy is thus seen as the greatest expression of the relationship with the divine. In other words, as good as sex is, it is but a pattern, a fraction of the experience that one can have with the divine. Salvation is the insemination of God's sperm (His Word) into a life, and maturity is the development of that sperm into a full-blown life form, ready to take on the world.

- Allan Meyer, Founder of Careforce Lifekeys

It is perhaps the brokenness of our humanity that causes the above revelations to have shock value. The Trinity as a cosmic menage-o-trois? We are disturbed and even horrified by these thoughts, because our understanding of sex is so base, so imperfect to the extent we are trampling what is the purest and holiest form of intimate union.

Woe to the media and to society mores for reducing sex to just its physicality. We need sex because we are spiritually crying out for ultimate cleaving with another being, to be emotionally fulfilled, to be physically satisfied. What a tragedy that it is the most trivial urges - the physical manifestation of our deep-seated spiritual needs - that takes precedence over everything else.

The word 'fuck' perhaps epitomise our fallen human condition. There is a reason why it is perhaps the crudest of all swear words, where it scale the upper echalon of taboos. It is because the word describes sex, stripped of all its God-given potency, and reduced to the biological function of penetration. Orgasm does remain a possibility, but it is the whole violation of orifices that takes precedence over the fact a physical, emotional and spiritual satiation that should be the rightful end result of its culmination.

God has guided my steps in this area all this while. I yearn for someone to fill my bed at night, He yearns for someone to fill my soul. I yearn for vigorous humping. He yearns for ultimate intimacy.

I always knew that to the word for 'knowing' God is the same as Adam 'knowing' Eve and a baby concieved, but I never dared ventured into the unthinkable. Sex with God? But that's blasphemous! However, the Indians of aeons back got it right when they carved their deities having sex on the pillars of temples. Intimacy from sexual union - even in divine form - cannot be seperated. Unfortunately, sex has become so polluted now, saddled with the baggage of guilt and lust. It has clouded my understanding of Him, because the only way to maintain my sanity in a sex-crazed world is to let Him be the one to fulfill my deep-seated needs for connection. Because, as he fufills the spiritual man crying out for a union with Almighty God, the petty physical needs will be quenched as well, in the light of He Who Eternally Satisfies.

This is intimacy with the Father, because knowing God is sufficient for now. However, one day this troubling urge for that elusive women who loves God and is good in bed will resurface, and at that time He will provide, because a full understanding of God comes from the sexual intimacy between me and my future partner - in His timing, in His grace, and with the right spirit.

on Jun 10, 2004
What a tragedy that it is the most trivial urges - the physical manifestation of our deep-seated spiritual needs - that takes precedence over everything else.

why is such a manifestation trivial? The form of a thing is just as important as the substance of a thing. You feel a sexual impulse, to be expressed in sexual acts. Those acts are as much a part of the spirituality you crave as the spiritual impulse itself is a part of the fleshly acts that embody it. What you seem to be craving is not sex with God but sex with men that can somehow be squared with your Christian faith. And your current spate of angst-fuelled philosophising is nothing more than guilt dressed up as self-justification.

I always knew that to the word for 'knowing' God is the same as Adam 'knowing' Eve and a baby concieved, but I never dared ventured into the unthinkable. Sex with God? But that's blasphemous!

Far from being blasphemous it's part of the mainstream of mystical experience (you need only consider the orgasmic depictions of Theresa of Avila's famous encounter with the Spirit, or read the writings of Hildegaard of Bingen, and especially those of Julian of Norwich, to find the sexualised element of knowing God in classical Catholic mysticism); and you yourself refer to the experience of other cultures. And any devotee of the Tantric vedas will tell you that sex is not an allegory of spiritual communion, but actual communion expressed in the flesh.

If God is the source of everything, then God is the source of sex - including homosexual sex. Homosexuality is not a perversion of the sexual impulse since it's manifested throughout the animal world; it's merely one expression of that impulse, the 'scandal' of homosexuality being that it doesn't lead to procreation. In a grotesquely over-populated world, where procreation is actually becoming a non-viable evolutionary strategy, that's no bad thing. The human race is in need of a period of culling.

Your problem is not with sex, nor with God. Your problem lies with certain ideas that have gathered aroud sex and God in Christian teaching. Change your attitude to those ideas, assume responsibility for your own spiritual life (rather than depending, as you appear to depend, upon the authority of others for your salvation, and you might be less tormented over the question of who you're going to fuck tonight.