The Confessions of St. Augustine for the new millenium. A Christian's struggles with bi-sexuality, loneliness and other demons from his past.
Being a Fundamentalist Christian Trapped in a Bisexual Body
Published on June 4, 2004 By thorninmyflesh In Religion
It is not easy wanting to hump cute men, while at the same time having religious principles that tell you whatever you're doing is abhorent. What exarcebates the situation, is the fact that I'm far from being a nominal Christian, I have preached in church and served in the ministry all this time.

I do believe homosexuality is wrong, even though refusing to embrace it seems to be a betrayal of my natural instincts. It is frustrating to know I can never be part of the GLBT community as a whole, simply because for me it is so wrong. Furthermore, being bisexual does exclude me from some aspects of the gay community as well, who abhors the idea of me liking women at all. Since I believe the brand of Christianity is not all that popular in this materialistic society of Self, I am now a minority of a minority of a minority.

So yes, my situation is painted pretty clearly - I am a bisexual who's warring against the homosexual side of me. The query of why I subscribe to xenophobic outmoded religious dogma instead of giving in to my desires is a fairly legitimate one. After all, why torture yourself needlessly when all is demanded is to be free from the shackles of religion? But this is my take on the whole issue.

For me, Christianity works, and outwardly I shouldn't even be thinking that way. Being bi is of course the most obvious one. However, the fact that I am an intellectual and a writer does make it seem strange that I'm embracing a faith that so readily condemns alternative sexualities and even freedom of expression. Yet, I do know that even though the messangers of God condemn, God himself is not so readily condemning, and instead He is good.

In all my sexual brokenness, He is perhaps the only thing I can hold on to, the only thing i can make sense of when my imperfect impoverished mind fail to comprehend whatever the hell is happening to both my body and soul. And furthermore, being in the ministry and serving people opens my eyes to what living life really is.

There is much greater joy in someone saying "thanks dude, for changing my life by your prayers", rather than "wow, you were awesome in bed dude!"

After tasting the goodness of God and the rewards that the fruit of ministry bring into the lives of other broken people, the allure of gay sex and utter pleasure loses its shine. Granted, it may be fun, but everything comes second-best to the One Who Fulfills All Who Seek Him. If it is hedonism I embrace, it will be hedonism in Him. I want to take joy in my Maker. After all, the root Hebrew word for 'knowing' God is the same as having sexual relations.

Same desires. Different avenues.

I have the urge to be dominated. If I strip off the societal constructs of my masculinity, then this urge originates from a spiritual need to be controlled by something higher than myself because I myself am inadequate. The immediate reaction to seek out some hunk who would use me as a piece of meat and bugger me no end in an act of submission on my part. In gay terms, I am a 'bottom'. I am somebody's butt boy.

This urge drives me to my knees. In this position, I got two choices, both acts of submission. One, is to generously blow the hell out of someone, giving him the ride of the lifetime as he hovers superior over me. Two, is to turn my face to heaven and prostrate before Him, and lay my weakness and humanity at His feet.

I have already made my choice, I rather be God's butt boy and get the reward of living the abundant life and knowing the meaning to existence. After all, the Westminster Cathecism proclaims, "The chief end of man is to glorify God and the enjoy Him forever." I say amen to that.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 05, 2004
To Marvin and forefather1,

I could easily start opening a can of whoop ass by screaming 'pharisees' and 'brood of vipers' into your faces, but though flame wars are fun, I'm in no mood for having some childish fun.

Before I go on, I would like to tell you I'm part of the Christian fundementalist tradition that believes homosexuals and other assorted heathen goes to hell. The fact is - I still believe that, but also believe God is also just, and with the energy I spend condemning what I deem 'sinful' practices can be channeled to more fruitful causes - such as the building up of fellow believers and making a difference in other people's lives.

"Treatment of the Holy with such vulgarity?" And can you even grasp the notion of holiness with your fallen humanity, that your opinions are in measure attempting to 'bonsai' God? The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is not going to be concerned that someone uttered a naughty word. Instead, there will be emphasis on what is truly productive - to help the poor, to seek justice for the downtrodden. If God was so concerned with 'vulgarity', why were the first people Jesus reached out to the prostitutes, the tax collectors, and the other 'sinners' of the day? What in my opinion you percieve is not holiness, its sanitization.

After all, God's glory lies in broken vessels, in using the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.

And as for me. I do believe in the holiness of God, and I believe the divine imperative that because He is holy, we should aspire for that holiness. That is why I am not giving in to my bisexual desires, that it had not crossed the line into a physical manifestation. I dare not defile my body for it is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Dudes, be gracious just as God was gracious to you. If you believe perfomativity is gonna get you anywhere, then you're sadly wrong. The reason God had a relationship with you to begin with was the fact that He has the grace to 'coddle' imperfect filthy rags like you or me. If God impose the standards on you just as you impose it on me, you all will have no hope in hell in the scale of eternity.
on Jun 05, 2004

on Jun 05, 2004
To put this thing back in perspective, and I realize it is from my point of view that I do so, I would like to quote the man whom Jesus called attention to as someone to consider, John the baptist: "Behold the Lamb of God, who cometh to take away the sins of the world."
Well, thorn, as you know Jesus did just that. We need to get our minds off of our selves and on to Jesus. I can't see how you can write as you do and expect to give glory to our Lord. All that you wrestle with can be better resolved in His perfect love. Think on Him, and act accordingly. No flaming here, thorn, only the words of one with the sense that you are tormented and that that ought not be the case. I'm hoping you'll delete this careless article of yours and re-write and re-submit. It is an interesting article and one that many need to consider. The Lord be magnified.
on Jun 07, 2004
All-knowing, all-seeing, all-caring... it's unlikely with such character traits that Gods going to be narrowminded about who we choose to love? I mean, it's unlikely that Gods homophobic, but it's more likely that the scholars who have interpreted the bible and its teachings over the last few centuries were. I can tell that JU has a large christian component and I've probably really pissed people off with that last comment - but really Thorn, all that your'e doing is shagging blokes (millions of women do it, why can't yu?) - don't torture yourself because of it... I can't beleive that the christian god of love and forgiveness could possibly want you to suffer, afterall he made you didn't he?

Be happy in yourself, and love God with all your heart and I'm sure that he'll help you to see the truth.
on Jun 07, 2004

I hope everyone else trolled the heck out of Marvin.  That was totally uncalled for no matter what forefather has to say about it.  You can disagree with someone's life style without calling them names or condemning them.

On that note, I just would like to say that I have always felt that you have to look inward for what truly matters not outward.

on Jun 14, 2004
I appreciate your open and honest assessment of your depraved behaviour.
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